小雲盒子: 功能大比拼 | SVICLOUD: Functions Comparison

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小雲盒子: 功能大比拼 | SVICLOUD: Functions Comparison 

The three most popular SVICLOUD TV boxes are 8S, 8P, and 3 PRO. Although there is generally a lot of information about the characteristics of different SVICLOUD TV boxes on the Internet, even if the websites have list out the tech specifications of SVICLOUD, users may not know exactly what that is. This blog will share with you the different functions of the SVICLOUD TV box in terms of user experience, and let you know which TV box is the most suitable for you.

小雲盒子最受歡迎的電視盒子有8S、8P及3 PRO。雖然網絡上一般都有許多關於不同小雲盒子特色的資料,但對於電視盒子新手而言,即使網站上有詳細説明電視盒子的畫面畫質支持清晰度或是雙頻WIFI的支援,用戶也未必明白自己想要的其實是那個電視盒子。這篇網誌將會爲你分享小雲盒子在使用體驗上,功能的不同,讓你知道那款電視盒子最適合你。


1. Large storage: supports users to choose to download different applications on their will, and watch many overseas movies, and live channels 容量支持用戶選擇自由下載不同應用程式,能夠觀看海量的影視視頻及直播頻道

Most users buy TV boxes mainly because they do not want to pay monthly fees for streaming apps. They want to pay for a TV box once and watch different movies and videos without restrictions forever. Using SVICLOUD TV Box 8P, 8S, and 3PRO, users could choose to watch film and television all over the world through different applications. Among the three SVICLOUD boxes, the SVICLOUD TV box 8P has the largest memory storage, you could choose to download as many different applications as you like. It's like when you are using a mobile phone, you don't want the capacity storage to be easily full. SVICLOUD TV Box 8P is the best choice for you! In addition, as the storage space is large, you can also download different games you like!



**Note: You can install a third-party application to watch, the box does not have an application built in**


 2. User Experience: no buffering 使用體驗:不卡頓

 For some users, the small difference in picture quality of the TV box doesn't really affect the viewing experience that much. Three of the SVICLOUD TV boxes also support 8K ultra-high-definition image quality, so you don’t need to worry about the blurry image quality issue. However, for most people, the most important concern is whether it will easily buffer while watching videos. It really affects the user experience. The three TV boxes SVICLOUD 8P, 8S, and 3PRO adopts a newly upgraded dual-band Wi-Fi module, which is equipped with super anti-interference ability, making the wireless link more stable. The SVICLOUD 8S TV Box is also equipped with Bluetooth 5.8 technology, which has lower power consumption, supports ultra-long-distance connection, and is compatible with various types of Bluetooth devices, bringing more entertainment experience. That is to say, all three SVICLOUD TV boxes also provide the best viewing experience without buffering.



3. Support Karaoke 支援唱卡拉OK

 Among the three TV boxes, only 8P and 3PRO support karaoke. Therefore, for those who want to sing karaoke through the TV box should pay attention about this!



相比之下,三款電視盒子中,SVICLOUD 8P的性價比最高。 但是,它確實提供了最全面的支持。 您可以點擊下方藍色文字和圖片了解更多關於三款電視盒子的信息。

To compare, SVICLOUD 8P cost the most among the three TV boxes. However, it does have the most comprehensive support for different functions. You could click the below blue text and pictures to know more about the three TV boxes.


