我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?

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我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy? 


Unsure which SVICLOUD TV box to purchase? If so, you should read this blog right away!

不確定要購買哪個 SVICLOUD 電視盒? 如果是這樣,這篇網誌就十分適合你閱讀了!


Which TV box would be best for me? 哪款小雲電視盒最適合我? 

1. 價錢 Price: 小雲電視機頂盒 8S SVICLOUD 8S 



The SVICLOUD 8S is the least expensive of the three SVICLOUD TV boxes, so if you want to save money, you might want to consider purchasing it. You can still use the features that a TV box should offer despite the low cost. Additionally, the SVICLOUD 8S's operating system is the most recent Android 10 version, so no concerns!


SVICLOUD 8S 是三款 SVICLOUD 電視盒中最便宜的,所以如果你想省錢,不妨考慮購買。 儘管成本低廉,您仍然可以使用電視盒應提供的功能。 此外,SVICLOUD 8S 的操作系統是最新的 Android 10 版本,所以不用擔心!


SVICLOUD 8S 小雲電視機頂盒 8S

我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?


 2. 容量 Storage: 小雲電視機頂盒 8P SVICLOUD 8P



When purchasing a TV box, storage considerations are crucial. You can download as many applications as you'd like to SVICLOUD 8P's incredibly huge storage! Lack of storage is not a major concern with SVICLOUD 8P.


購買電視盒時,存儲容量至關重要。SVICLOUD 8P 擁有超大存儲空間!您不必擔心存儲容量不足夠。


SVICLOUD 8P 小雲電視機頂盒 8P

我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?


3. 中間的選擇 Or consider the middle ranking choice: 小雲電視機頂盒 3PRO SVICLOUD 3PRO


Still unsure of which TV box to pick? Perhaps you might also think about going with the middle option? You might still use SVICLOUD 3 PRO to take use of the features of the SVICLOUD TV box. Although SVICLOUD 3 PRO is more expensive than SVICLOUD 8P, it is still less expensive than SVICLOUD 8S. Similar to SVICLOUD 8P, SVICLOUD 3 PRO has proprietary Dolby Vision as well as an advanced AI control voice command system.



仍然不確定選擇哪個電視盒? 也許您還可以考慮選擇中間選項?雖然 SVICLOUD 3 PRO 比 SVICLOUD 8P 貴,但仍然比 SVICLOUD 8S 便宜。 與 SVICLOUD 8P 類似,SVICLOUD 3 PRO 擁有專有的杜比視界以及先進的 AI 控制語音命令系統。



我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?


There are other factors to be considered....



4. 卡拉OK服務 KTV


The most recent SVICLOUD 8P should be chose if karaoke singing on a TV box is what you wish to do. KTV server is not supported by SVICLOUD 8S.


如果您想在電視盒上唱卡拉OK,則應選擇最新的SVICLOUD 8P, SVICLOUD 8S 不支持KTV 服務。


我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?


5. 輸入/輸出端口 Input / output port


The input or output port should also be taken into account. Depending on your preferences or what you require, It depends, for instance, on whether your sound bar system has an HDMI interface. While SVICLOUD 8P only has one USB port, SVICLOUD 8S has two. SVICLOUD 8S features a 3.5mm AUX jack, while SVICLOUD 8P has optical SPDIF. Coaxial SPDIF, 1 USB 3.0, and 2 USB 2.0 are all features of the SVICLOUD 3 PEO.


輸入或輸出端口也是需要考慮的重要因素,取決於您的喜好或您的需求,例如,取決於您的條形音箱系統是否具有 HDMI 接口。 SVICLOUD 8P 只有一個 USB 端口,而 SVICLOUD 8S 有兩個。 SVICLOUD 8S 配備 3.5 毫米 AUX 插孔,而 SVICLOUD 8P 配備光學 SPDIF。 同軸 SPDIF、1 個 USB 3.0 和 2 個 USB 2.0 都是 SVICLOUD 3 PEO 的功能。


我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?
我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?
我應該買 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? 小雲電視機頂盒?| 3 Pro? 8S? 8P? Which SVICLOUD TV box should I buy?



**Note: You can install a third-party application to watch, the box does not have an application built in**
