產品常見問題 Product FAQs

產品常見問題 Product FAQs

SVICLOUD 電視盒是如何設置的? How is the SVICLOUD TV Box set up?

閲讀 小雲盒子安裝及設置指南 以瞭解更多。

Read SVICLOUD Setup Guide to learn more.


9P, 8P, 8S, 及 3 PRO有什麽區別?What’s the difference of 9P, 8P, 8S, and 3 PRO? 

小雲電視盒子9P是小雲於2023最新推出的電視盒子。按此以瞭解更多 9P 的更新功能。

SVICLOUD 9P is the 2023 latest SVICLOUD TV Box. Click here to learn more about the upgrades of SVICLOUD 9P.

按此以瞭解更多8P, 8S, 及 3 PRO的區別。

Click here to learn more about the difference among 8P, 8S, and 3 PRO.

如何恢復 SVICLOUD 電視盒的原廠設定?How do I restore the factory defaults on my SVICLOUD TV box?

選擇右上角的 “更多”, 然後選擇 “重置” 。

Click "More" at the right top corner, and choose "Reset".


如何設定語言?How do I check or change the language settings? 



Click here to learn more.


小雲電視盒子支援卡拉OK嗎?Does SVICLOUD support Karaoke servers? 

是的,小雲電視盒子9Max, 9P, 8P, 3 PRO支援卡拉OK。

Yes, SVICLOUD 9Max, 9P, 8P and 3 PRO support the Karaoke feature.

如何卸載軟件?How to uninstall apps? 

只需選擇右上角的清理圖示,或點擊 “更多”, 然後選擇 “清理”。

Simply click the clean icon at the right top corner, or click "more", and choose "clean". 


小雲盒子的運作系統是什麽?What is the operating system of SVICLOUD ?


The operation system of SVICLOUD 9P is Android 12.0.The operation system of the other SVICLOUD TV Boxes is Android 10.0.

小雲盒子支援杜比音軌功能嗎?Does SVICLOUD support Dolby Vision? 

是的,小雲盒子 8P 及3 PRO 也支援杜比音軌功能。

Yes, SVICLOUD 8P and 3 PRO also support Dolby Vision.

小雲盒子支援語音操控嗎?Does SVICLOUD support the voice command function? 


Yes. SVICLOUD supports the voice command function.
